When I left from Yosemite early morning, the weather was perfect in the 60s. By the time I reached Salt Lake City later in the evening, it was in the 30s. Needless to say, I wasnt prepared for it. Somehow managed to reach my stay point and got warmed up inside the room. Lesson learnt!
It is extremely important to check weather forecast before you head out. This is applicable for short and multi day rides. We assume that the weather will be the same as the place we leave from but as most of the riders already know, that is not the case. Weather in one day, depending on where you ride, could vary almost 30 degrees. It is important you know what additional to carry. Here is an approximate guide but it entirely depends on each individual and the current day circumstances
If you wear a riding jacket/pant then you might need to consider those as well
110 Plus Don't wear anything :-)
80-110 T-shirt is fine but might need thin jacket to protect from direct sun
70-80 Tshirt and sweatshirt/hoodie 60-70 Thin jacket
50-60 Thick jacket preferably with inner and hoodie
40-50 Heated gear preferred or multiple layers of jacket/inner as well as chaps/pants
30-40 Heated gear is best if you want to enjoy your ride
Below 30 Heated gear is a must!
As mentioned above, these are approximations and a lot of factors could affect these numbers :
01. If the sun is bright and shining, then at the same temperature, you are going to need less warmer clothes. I notice a difference of almost 10 degrees when the sun is bright and shining
02. Distance matters. If it's only few minutes or 1-2 hours, you can bear the cold knowing that it will end soon. If you are starting a 5-6 hour ride, then you need to be well prepared
03. Each individual's ability to bear heat or cold
04. The more hungry you are, the more you will feel cold