Amazing ride covering a lot of beautiful places in West Virginia and scenic routes
Riders : Jishnu | Arvind | Behram
Days : 2
This was a little different than our typical one day rides over the weekend. We wanted to visit a few places in WV and those are not possible returning the same the day, from Raleigh. So we decided to leave Friday evening after work and return Saturday, which would give us enough time to achieve it Come Friday evening and weather forecast wasn’t looking that good with rain showers all around us. Nonetheless we decided to leave at our scheduled time of 3pm. Luckily for us, other than a few stray showers, we didn’t get much rain. We had booked a place at Wintergreen resort right on BRP. Realized, we were going to be there by 7pm and that seemed too early 😊. So we took a couple of beautiful diversions taking 501 and then 60 and then 56 till we hit BRP and the resort. Stopped on the way at Food Lion to pickup dinner. Decided to get to the resort and have dinner and a few drinks. It’s a great time to bond and discuss the ride, families etc Next day morning it was an early start (comparatively) by 8am. We knew it was going to be a long day right when we left. GPS showed us arrival at 11pm and adding halts and lunch, it would easily be 1am by the time we reached home. We stopped at a couple of overlooks on 33 and also flew the drone there. You can see 1-2 pics form the drone. But that was the first and last of the drone. Next stop was at Spruce Knob and none of us expected that at 4500+ feet, there was going to be snow all around us. We were cold, very cold but managed to make the walk to the tower there. From there, Seneca Rocks and then to BlackWater Falls State Park. All thee places are extremely beautiful to visit. Pictures speak a thousand words so I will let them do rest of the talking. We took Seneca Trail from there all the way to 250 (which is also Seneca Trail). I wasn’t too impressed with it and might prefer to try 220 all the way down the next time. In fact the GPX file attached to this trip takes you through 220 and skips Seneca Trail. While heading towards 43, we saw a gravel road and Jishnu being our offroading champ, decided we should experiment a bit. So we took the offroad which wasn’t too bad but then there was another offroad and that turned out to be a disaster. We attempted and by the time we were a mile into it, there was no way Arvind and my bike would have made it another 3 miles. We decided to use our experience/wisdom and call it off. It was challenging to turn the bikes around but then we managed somehow, helping each other. From there we hit 311 and then 43. 43 is really good but at night, just like any other road, it has a lot of animals. We had a deer standing at the side of the road, that almost touched our right elbow. Another few of them running around at different times plus a ton of smaller animals crossing the road. We tried to be extremely careful and kept a watch out to avoid any incident. All in all, a great ride! 800 miles and a total of 22 hours on the bike plus a break at the resort. Loved it and looking forward to more such rides!