My first IBA and most likely my last!
Riders : Behram Dates : 5/24-25/2018 Days : 2
For all those that are not aware, there are several Iron Butt rides that test your endurance as a long distance rider. I completed the 1000 in 24 and 1500 in 36. When I sent my documents for certification, I didnt realize I had to pay twice for 2. They ended up sending me the 1500 in 36 and I never followed up again to get my 1000 in 24. Maybe I will someday
As with most of our rides, the original plan went for a toss! I couldnt leave 5/23 due to my dog Zeus being unwell. My wife is a sweetheart and she said not to worry about Zeus and to go for the ride. She would take care of him as well as make sure he gets in the car fine for our follow up vacation. ​​ So the night of 5/23, I look at weather forecast (its critical for Iron Butt), and see that its rain all over south. Actually every destination I had in my original plan, had rain both days. So last minute I change itenary to head north instead of south of Raleigh. I can tell you that the gamble worked out pretty well. Other than 30 mins of crazy rain, it was perfect weather anyone can wish for during Iron Butt. ​ I wont go into every tiny detail of my ride but I can tell you that Hwy 68 from Hagerstown PA to Mt Morris PA, was one of the prettiest interstate I have been. I had the luxury to try internal roads on the second day and the internal road from Glasgow TN to Dunlap TN (passing Hull Lake) did not disappoint a bit. ​ Few things I want to share, that I couldnt find documented on IBA, that you should know before you head out : 1. If you leave in the morning, try to travel from East to West. Make sure somewhere during end of the day, you end up in a new TZ. That extra hour at a time when you are extremely tired, help psychologically to go a little further 2. You will need to sacrifice a little sleep. There is no exception to it. Cannot expect to get a standard 8 hour sleep 3. Avoid extreme weather It is a major deterrent. Avoid mountain roads. 4. Make sure you to move your head, arms and legs while riding, at regular intervals. You do not want them to get stiff the next day
5. Always have a backup route planned just in case of bad weather. Also have exit points planned to the alternate route